Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Review: The Magic of Reality - Richard Dawkins

The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really TrueThe Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True by Richard Dawkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Written by a man of science whose at his best trying to disprove God and spiritual beliefs.

In fact, things that kept me reading this book so far are the myths in every opening chapter. Some of the explanations are too basic for me except the way he explains the big bang theory and his opinion for probability of extraterrestrial life with possibilities of “multiverse”: a bubbling ‘foam’ of universes, of which our universe is only one ‘bubble.'

In the end of this book, I remember this scene between Priya Varna and Ian in “I Origins” movie:

"Priya Varma:

You know a scientist once asked the Dalai Lama, “What would you do if something scientific disproved your religious beliefs?” And he said, after much thought, “I would look at all the papers. I’d take a look at all the research and really try to understand things. And in the end, if it was clear that the scientific evidence disproved my spiritual beliefs, I would change my beliefs.”


That’s a good answer.

Priya Varma:

Ian… what would you do if something spiritual disproved your scientific beliefs?”"

So Richard Dawkins, what would you do?

View all my reviews

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